


infilytics for Regulator

Account wise NPA classification

Loan to director's relative

Multiple Cust ID having Same PAN

Loans disbursed on closure date

testimonial quote

We have found infilytics software useful for our microdata analysis, as unlike other software for audit e.g. IDEA or Excel based macro-enabled models, this provides a platform with flexibility to examine large structured data using standard / pre-verified queries. We also find its reporting interface useful.

Department of Supervision, Reserve Bank of India

Micro data analytics team

Department of Supervision, Reserve Bank of India

Compliance Monitoring

Ensure adherence to regulations with infilytics. Automate data collection, analysis, and reporting to meet strict regulatory requirements. Identify potential compliance breaches proactively and maintain regulatory oversight effectively.

Fraud Detection

Safeguard the financial system with advanced fraud detection capabilities. infilytics empowers you to build automated systems that analyze financial transactions and identify suspicious activity, ensuring financial stability and market integrity.

Asset Quality Review

Assess asset quality efficiently with infilytics. Automate data analysis of loan portfolios, creditworthiness of borrowers, and market trends. Identify potential risks and make informed decisions to maintain a healthy financial system.

Anti money laundering Analysis

Combat money laundering activities with infilytics. Automate transaction monitoring, customer risk assessment, and suspicious activity flagging. Uphold financial integrity and prevent illegal financial activities.